12月9日(广东外语外贸大学北校区图书馆一楼大厅)Dec. 9th, Library Hall, GDUFS
18:00-20:00晚餐(清雅园三楼自助)/ Dinner(Buffet, 3rdfloor of Qingyayuan cafeteria)
12月10日(图书馆负一楼多功能报告厅)Dec. 10, Lecture Hall of the Library, B1 Floor, GDUFS
开幕式/Opening Ceremony
8:30-9:00 主持人/ Chair李瑞林教授 Prof. LI Ruilin
1. 主持人宣布论坛开幕并介绍与会嘉宾Opening announcement and introduction to speakers and guests2. 广东外语外贸大学校领导致辞Welcoming speech by President of GDUFS3. 中译出版社副总经理刘永淳先生致辞Speech by Mr. LIU Yongchun, Deputy General Manager of the China Translation Publishing House 4. 于京君教授的致辞与交响乐《新疆舞曲》之一(于京君改编)Video Speech by Prof. Julian YU and the performance of his Adaptation of the OrchestraXin Jiang Dance (1)5. 大会主席、广东外语外贸大学云山领军学者罗选民教授致开幕词Opening remarks by Prof. LUO Xuanmin, Chair of the Forum, Yunshan Leading Scholar of GDUFS
合影与茶歇/Group Photo and Tea Break (9:00-9:30)
主旨发言/ Keynote Speeches
9:30-12:00主持人/ Chair刘岩教授 Prof. LIU Yan
Carlos Rojas(罗鹏):“My Language is not my Own”: Translation, Displacement, and Contemporary Chinese Literature“我的语言并不是我的”:翻译、移位与中国当代文学
Forrest GanderCulture, Conception, Calamity: Ethical Dilemmas in the Translation of Poetry into English文化、观念、灾难:诗歌英译的伦理困境
赵振江(ZHAO Zhenjiang)诗歌翻译是二度创作Translating Poetry as Rewriting by a Poet
12:00-14:00午餐(清雅园三楼自助)/ Lunch(Buffet, 3rdfloor of Qingyayuan cafeteria)
14:00-17:30分组讨论(一) Panel Discussion(1)
翻译、文化与形象(一)地点:第六教学楼 B103 Translation, Culture and Image(1), B103, No. 6 Teaching Building
中国文化对外译介与传播(一)地点:第六教学楼 B108 Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture(1),B108, No. 6 Teaching Building
跨学科翻译研究(一)地点:第六教学楼A301 Translation Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives(1), A301, No. 6 Teaching Building
18:00-20:00晚餐(清雅园三楼自助)/ Dinner(Buffet, 3rdfloor of Qingyayuan cafeteria)
20:00-21:30 文化沙龙(图书馆负一楼多功能报告厅)Salon, Lecture Hall of the Library, B1 Floor, GDUFS
12月11日(图书馆负一楼多功能报告厅)Dec. 11, Lecture Hall of the Library, B1 Floor, GDUFS
主旨发言/ Keynote Speeches
08:30-10:10主持人/ Chair:罗选民教授 Prof. LUO Xuanmin
Tony Hsu(徐善曾):Adventures with My Grandfather/Celebrating the 120th Anniversary of Xu Zhimo’s Birth重走祖父之路/庆祝徐志摩诞辰120周年
King-Kok Cheung & WU Shuang(张敬珏、吴爽):Romantic Translation, Borderless Collaborating: From Translator to Critic and From Critic to Translator浪漫翻译、跨界协作:文字的缘分
茶歇/Tea Break(10:10-10:30)
10:30-12:10主持人/Chair卢植教授 Prof. LU Zhi
Alicia Relinque Eleta:Language, Interpretation and Rhetoric. Tang Xianzu’sPeony Pavilionand it’s Translations 语言、阐释与修辞:汤显祖的《牡丹亭》及其翻译
雪漠(Xue Mo)禅心与文学诗意Poetic Flow from A Heart of Zen
12:10-14:00午餐(清雅园三楼自助)/ Lunch(Buffet, 3rd floor of Qingyayuan cafeteria)
14:00-17:30分组讨论(二) Panel Discussion(2)
翻译、文化与形象(二)地点:第六教学楼 B103Translation, Culture and Image (2), B103, No. 6 Teaching Building
中国文化对外译介与传播(二)地点:第六教学楼 B108Translation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture(2),B108, No. 6 Teaching Building
跨学科翻译研究(二)地点:第六教学楼A301Translation Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives(2), A301, No. 6 Teaching Building
18:00-20:00晚餐(清雅园三楼自助)/ Dinner(Buffet, 3rdfloor of Qingyayuancafeteria)
12月12日上午(图书馆负一楼多功能报告厅)Dec. 12, Morning, Lecture Hall of the Library, B1 Floor, GDUFS
主旨发言/ Keynote Speeches
08:30-10:10主持人/ ChairProf. King-Kok Cheung张敬珏教授
罗选民(LUO Xuanmin) Big Translation: Experiment of intra-/inter-/intersemiotic Translations from Chinese Perspective大翻译:汉语视域下的语内/语外/符号迻译的实验
Julian Yu(于京君)音乐符号的互文诠释:以钢琴曲《小星星》的复调为例The Intertextual Interpretation of Musical Pluralism: A Case Study of the Piano PerformanceLittle Star
茶歇/Tea Break(10:10-10:30)
10:30-11:20主持人/ChairProf.Carlos Rojas罗鹏教授
Joanna Radwanska-Williams(安霞)Poetry as Reflective Writing诗作为反思性书写
Jonathan Locke HartEnglish Poetry and Translation Including the Influence of Chinese Poetry英语诗歌与翻译,以及中国诗歌的影响
闭幕式/ Closing Ceremony
12:10-12:30 主持人/Chair莫爱屏教授 Prof. MO Aiping
罗选民教授致闭幕辞Closing Remarks by Prof. LUO Xuanmin
12月12日中午离会Dec. 12, Noon, Departure